Achieving Solidarity Through Peace Education?


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Solidarity is set as one of the main goals of the European Solidarity Corps in order to enable young people to contribute to a solidary Europe. This paper looks at the question; can this be done through peace education as well? An analysis of the theoretical background of peace education and its relation to the understanding of solidarity within Europe, based on the results of the research 4Thought (Baclija Knoch and Nicodemi 2020), reveals that the main topics and cornerstones overlap and or, are the same.

This paper exemplifies how these interlinkages and possible synergies could be put into practice during the short training courses that participants of the European Solidarity Corps are required to attend. This will be illustrated by two examples which show clearly the possibilities for the use of Peace Education in fostering solidarity.

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08 Rebecca Petz
Rebecca Petz
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My name is Rebecca Petz and the three words coming into my mind, when talking about the European Union are: Opportunity, responsibility, and peace: Opportunity to broaden your field of experiences to get to know new people and perspectives, responsibility to stand up for solidarity, for democracy and common values. And peace the main achievement of the European Union and positive peace the main objective of it. Peace on the one side and conflict on the other are the phenomena I am normally studying during my Master of Peace and Conflicts Studies in Magdeburg.

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