Clara Drammeh | Author | SALTO ESC
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Clara Drammeh

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Clara Drammeh is a dedicated professional in the youth sector, promoting culturally sensitive and inclusive approaches in dialogue processes to foster international cooperation. In 2020, she founded Mixed Message Moderation, providing facilitation, training, and consultation services to help organizations address issues related to diversity, equity, and participation. Moreover, Clara works for People, Dialogue and Change, a research and consultancy company, and is a member of the European Youth Forum Pool of Trainers. She holds a degree in International Relations and is a certified systemic facilitator trained at the German Academy for Systemic Moderation.

With over six years of experience in European youth policy and advocacy, Clara has worked as a facilitator and trainer in political and civil society contexts, contributing to shaping several political events and processes, such as the EU Youth Dialogue, the Youth 7 as one of the G7 engagement groups as well as WHO Europe #Youth4Health. She also volunteers as an External Representative to the World Organization of the Scout Movement in Europe, advocating for the needs of young people.

Explore the author’s contributions to the discourse on solidarity.

Creating Community Impact through Solidarity

This research explores the way community impact occurs through European Solidarity Corps (ESC) funded projects. The goal of the research was to explore the various ways ESC funded projects and organisations create community impact.

The research explores a series of 15 examples of practice from organisations implementing ESC funded actions. The various actions explored are: solidarity projects, team volunteering projects,  individual volunteering projects.

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