It’s a lovely neighbourhood: Europe Goes Local


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This paper argues that the Covid 19 pandemic has strengthened the already existing trend of solidarity at local level. Young people in different countries have transferred their social capital and competences developed in a connected world into solidarity action with those in need in their local communities, mainly through different forms of volunteerism.

With the pandemic still affecting societies, with schools closed and mobility limited, it is very likely that solidarity at local level will become even stronger. Young people, as active agents of change, in search of diverse and alternative ways of participating in their communities are going to continue being part of the solidarity action, both in the provision and receiving sides.

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01 Özgehan
Özgehan Senyuva
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Özgehan Şenyuva is an Associate Professor in the International Relations Department at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, where he works extensively on youth, public opinion, Turkey-European relations and the politics of European football.

He has extensive experience in research projects, and was the principal investigator for the FREE: Football Research in an Enlarged Europe (, a pioneer FP7 project that was completed in 2015.

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Find out more about solidarity and youth work, solidarity and peace in a global context, solidarity in local and international volunteering activities and research of solidarity activities!

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