A new framework for online solidarity


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The consequences of the pandemic have drastically changed the landscape of supporting solidarity through international youth work: many of the activities have taken an online turn.

In this article, we present the findings of a survey of youth workers on their experiences of offering activities online throughout the Spring of 2020. It provides an overview of best practices to be used to foster solidarity through empathy and inclusion in the online environment. Lastly, we call upon youth workers, practitioners, policy-makers, young people and resource centres, to work on producing accessible resources, hands-on toolkits, free online tools, platforms and training opportunities in order to structurally embed online solidarity in the future.

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Rob van Leeuwen
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Rob van Leeuwen is a Dutch and European citizen, facilitator and trainer. Since 2004 he has been involved in the field of International Voluntary Service: from participant to project manager, board member to trainer. He also worked for the Asia-Europe Foundation in Singapore, facilitating exchanges for young people from the two continents the foundation covers, and co-edited several publications there.

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07 Elisabeth
Elisabeth te Hennepe
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Elisabeth te Hennepe is a young European, facilitator and trainer. She believes that promoting people to engage in genuine people-to-people dialogue can foster mutual understanding, empathy and critical understanding of the self and others.

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Find out more about solidarity and youth work, solidarity and peace in a global context, solidarity in local and international volunteering activities and research of solidarity activities!

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