Marie Heimburg - Europe Talks Solidarity Webinars With Motiv
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Marie Heimburg

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Europeers International Network coordinator, National Agency Estonia 

I am the EuroPeers International Network Coordinator and I work for the Estonian National Agency while currently living in Göteborg, Sweden. When I have to explain my career path, I usually say “I come from within the European programmes”, since I started my journey in 2012 as a European Volunteer in a project in Spain. The experiences have influenced my entire life and educational path after I returned home. My participation in the Erasmus+ youth programmes has broadened my horizon, lead me to live in a different country than my own and has taught me several foreign languages. I am a communicator always seeking for interpersonal connection. I love promoting the programs, because they give us all a great chance to be better people than we already are! Broaden your horizon, dare to leave your comfort zone and go experience the neighbourhood!

Explore the author’s contributions to the discourse on solidarity.

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